Sunday, February 1, 2009


So, I've finally stepped into the world of blogging.  I've drug my feet starting a blog because (1) I could never think of a name; and (2) nothing interesting happens in my life.  But I'm here.  I've broken into the underworld.  While I don't expect anyone to read this, I will attempt to keep light, refreshing, and at least a bit funny.  I mean, why in the heck would you read this if it at least didn't make you chuckle - especially in the "God, I'm glad I'm not that girl," kind of way?

So me.  I'm a twenty-something attorney living in the middle-of-nowhere and living the good life as an estate, corporate and tax planner.  WHOO HOO. Yay me! I's extremely exciting planning what happens when someone else dies, let me tell you.  Actually, I get to work with numbers and meet a ton of interesting people, so I love what I do.  But, being an attorney doesn't describe me, it just describes what I do.  

I'm a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, and a friend to many.  I'm me.


  1. By the way, Legally Blonde failed to mention that this blog is dedicated to me! She knows that I am the awesome-est person ever :)

  2. Yes, this is dedicated to you. I planned on cursing you in another blog when I finally get addicted to this thing..which we know will happen, as I am the one with the addictive personality.
